
New Member

My name is Emma and I have a mystery Land Rover sitting on a driveway in somerset that needs identifying and restoring. I'm hoping you clever experts and enthusiasts on this forum might be able to point me in the right direction as to what model the land rover is, and if it would be possible to restore it on a budget?? (really small budget)

Currently it's sitting outside having been unceremoniously dragged out of a garage by BIL from hell so he could store his tools (!!), and is rusting away nicely on my mother in laws drive. It really needs getting going again and being driven regularly, as it;s been forgotten about for far too long!


I've uploaded a load more images here, if anyone is up for the challenge...

land rover pictures by mum2billandted - Photobucket

Thanks in advance to all that have looked and tried to help. It's an old family heirloom/rustbucket (depending on your view!!) and needs a new lease of life!

Kindest Regards

Mums Had Enough!
that's a short wheel base (SWB) Series 2/ 2a. and parts are pretty cheap depending on what is needed. woulod be a great project/restoration job. if you're reasonably mechanically minded.
Wow, I'm impressed that you have come back to me so quickly with this. Thank you.

The mess inside is just junk and stuff from the garage it was stored in. The space was used by someone who just couldnt throw anything away.....hence the landy in the garage too!

It was first registered in 1962 but there is a hint that it may be older. Is this likely?

He had a series 2 and a series 3 haynes manual with it, so might be able to do something with it. I'm seriously not mechanically minded, however know several people who might be.

Lots of peeps in Somerset/Dorzet that mite help, for cake and a quick flash :eek: of non landy body parts.
Thanks for the welcomes and the help so far...

And to The Mad Hat Man, I'm good at cake, but not so sure the flashing would help!!:screaming_bug_eye_f
:welcome: Emma, never underestimate the power of suggestion, just the thought of some illicit flashing would have plenty on here working flat out like dogs.

Good luck with it, if or when its finished it will be tax exempt too, which is a nice bonus.
That's why i'm keen to restore it. Makes me able to get rid of my current gas guzzler 4x4 tax costs.

Perhaps a hint of cleavage with cake might do the job?? :eek:
That's why i'm keen to restore it. Makes me able to get rid of my current gas guzzler 4x4 tax costs.

Perhaps a hint of cleavage with cake might do the job?? :eek:

A winning combination! And I think that number plate might be worth at least a grand, which would pay for the new chassis you'll inevitably need.
Ooh now I can't wait to get started. First I need to clear out all the rubbish and see what we have to play with.
Will try and keep posting with updates.
Ok I clearly know nothing about cars then. Didn't know they had nipples! Lol
Setting aside all talk of non landy body parts, where would you say are the best places to source parts I might need please? Or does it just depend on what i'm looking for?.
A barter of goods, you post a piccie of yer boobies we tell ya where to buy yer spares. Fair trade I think?:D

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