Wee Fee

New Member
Hello everyone,

My name is Fee, I am looking to buy a defender sometime this year, however I would appreciate it if I could get some advice on what to look out for when viewing them. Also what are long journeys like in defenders? Fuel consumption? Is it wise to drive them on long journeys or would they over heat? Many Thanks in advance.
HI Fee,

You might want to give us a ballpark on your budget. Do you live in the LEZ zone area of London?

Hi neilly,
Thanks for getting back to me. My budget would be no more than £10,000. I live in SE London Zone 4 however I do not drive into Central London, I mostly drive on the M25.

kind reagrds.
Hi Fee and welcome to the forum. You'd be better to ask in the "Defender 90/110/130" section as all the gurus have their temples there: with any luck one of the mods will be along in a bit and move your post to the right place. Personally, the last time I travelled any distance in a 90 it was perfectly fine but I WAS wearing weapons-grade ear defenders, a spine protector and was towing a fuel bowser to fill up from every 50 miles or so. Good luck in your search!
Hello everyone,

My name is Fee, I am looking to buy a defender sometime this year, however I would appreciate it if I could get some advice on what to look out for when viewing them. Also what are long journeys like in defenders? Fuel consumption? Is it wise to drive them on long journeys or would they over heat? Many Thanks in advance.
Sorry cant help with your question but wanted to say Hi!
Welcome Fee, good to have another (pre) tratterer on board :).. 10k will get you a defender to be proud of I should think. I'll PM a list of things to look for that I was given in the morning, is on my PC at work.

Depends what you mean by long distance...
A couple of weeks ago I travelled in my 90 from the Solent to Evesham, the day after that from there up to grantham, a couple of days later back down to northampton and then back home after the Billing show. Steady 60 all the way (towing) and loved every minute. No overheating, no drama. Someone else on here has recently gone through Europe (and got married too). 25 to 30 mpg for a 300tdi, I expect you'll get something newer. .

Yes, they are noisy. Yes, they could be more comfortable. Yes, a 90 could be more practical, like a 110. But for my money, NOTHING puts a smile on your face like one of these. Careful though, they're addictive.

Good hunting, looking forward to hearing more from you. .:)
Welcome, with that budget start looking for a discovery very late 3 or late 4 especially as your gonna be on the m25 a lot
Yer always get plenty of waves in a 110, some of them in yer rear view mirror if you've been holding up traffic for 10 miles - welcome.

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