
New Member
Hello to you all, I wonder if any of you very knowledgable people could give me some advise?
I just bought a 2011 MY freelander 2 SD4 HSE last week but on Saturday the fuel Gauge went wonky. I had filled up on Thursday & had traveled about 25 miles on the Friday but when I left the car for the night the needle was just under the full mark, but when I turned it on Saturday morning it was only reading 1/2 full. I thought someone had syphoned off 1/2 a tank of fuel, so I went & filled up again to check but it only took a £10 worth to fill to brim, Guage still only went to 1/2. Is this a common thing? your thoughts & advise would be appreciated...:confused:
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:welcome2: It'' be under warranty wont it?? Dont start messing. Get main stealer to sort it;););)
Thanks, Yeah I have it booked in for fixing in a couple weeks, just wondered if it was someting simple to save the damned thing having to go in there for a couple days.
Aint nothin simple on your new HSE.:rolleyes: get used to visiting your dealer..for simple you shoulda bought an old Defender:cool2:

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