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Thats a illness none of us like to hear about, but it it's probably touched all our lives at one point or another, a friend? family member? we all know some one who was touched by the damned illness, My wife recently lost her brother to cancer and i lost a friend too in Cath's brother (Steve), He died peacefully two weeks ago today in Trinity hospice here in Blackpool, Any one who has had dealings with any Hospice will tell you, they do a wonderful job, I myself was touched by the staff's dedication to the patients in their care.
Steve had had a rough time over his illness, he met a few nurses in Blackpool's Victoria hospital and the Rehab unit which he was in at one point, Who saw there chosen vocation as a means to gain a pay packet, the level of care he received at times left a hell of a lot to be desired.
With out going into too much detail, he was frightened of going into the hospice because he thought it would be like the hospitals and his stay would be met with poor nursing again, we persuaded him to try it, I promised that if he asked me, i would bring him home my self.
Well, after a few hours he settled in, the staff were fantastic with him, by the next day, he was at home, loved it, said it was like a hotel, he even has double helpings of a cooked breakfast. This was where he would stay til he passed, I believe they are angels, i truly do, from the volunteers on the doors, to the nursing staff, Nothing was too much trouble for them, they asked if we were ok too, The Doctors were lovely.
Any way, i can wax lyrical all day about them

What i am organizing is a meet in Blackpool to raise much needed funds for the hospice, hopefully at the Hospice on their large car park, I am calling this Scotty's Blackpool Trinity Hospice & Illuminations Meet in honor of a much love friend and brother, The idea is, have the meet on the car park, then trail a convoy around the Blackpool illuminations, Both ways, Then grab some chips from a nice chippy at the end. This i am hoping will take place on Saturday 12th October 2013
Now how can we raise money for the Hospice i hear you say, well i would like to ask for donations to Trinity or you can get sponsorships for the run, Its up to you,
i want to stress NOT ONE PENNY GOES TO THE CLUB.

Now I would like names of people interested, i already spoken to a few people who all think they would stay over night, there is a Premier inn type place about 2 mins away from the meet

This is something that i have thought of today, Have yet to ask the Hospice, if they say no, i will simply find some where else, but this meet will go ahead

So put your names down if you are interested in it, Please bear in mind this is for Charity and is some thing i would like to host annually, So Lets raise some money for a good cause

I have now been to the Hospice and spoken to them, They have sanctioned the meet :D :D :D also we have the use of part of the car park, which will have space for plenty us.

I have also talked with the events coordinator at the Hospice, She will let all departments know about the meet, She said that if some of the Children who are in the Hospice want to, they can come and look around the cars.

The meet will start at about 3 (will adjust if demand wants to), If demand wants it to start earlier then that is ok, I am just trying to get the right balance for the start of the illuminations too.

Come on guys, put your name down, lets make some money, I am promoting this locally so we can get locals to come and view the cars and tip money in the collection buckets (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap)

Here is a link to Trinity hospice

Here is a link to the local Premier Inn

please remember, you don't have to attend the illuminations run if you only want to attend the meet :D

Below are the sponsor ship forms that trinity have supplied us if you wish to use them, if not, The donations on the day are fine, would be nice if we can raise a ton of dosh for the Hospice, Please see the post on our forums for sponsorship forms
one post take the hint #### OFF
Who the is Steve?
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I'm going to make an invitation for the forum members to fund my neighbour with one eye,hunch back and needs an operation on her crutch.
Is she single? Does she have big tits?

she has come into 17 million us dollars and wishes to meet a nice man for a one off transaction fee of 200 dollars you to can share this wealth
i want to stress NOT ONE PENNY GOES TO THE CLUB.

Below are the sponsor ship forms that trinity have supplied us if you wish to use them, if not, The donations on the day are fine, would be nice if we can raise a ton of dosh for the Hospice, Please see the post on our forums for sponsorship forms

Er..johnlad - the guys aren't being harsh... See above... WHAT CLUB?? LandyZone?? I think not...what forums???

This seems to me to be just a cut & paste from some hot rod car club :eek: Back in the day, when I was a member of Lancs Capri Club, it's the kind of thing we'd post up on our own forums, not spam someone else's. The chap never once mentions what type of Landys he'd like to get involved..

Er..johnlad - the guys aren't being harsh... See above... WHAT CLUB?? LandyZone?? I think not...what forums???

This seems to me to be just a cut & paste from some hot rod car club :eek: Back in the day, when I was a member of Lancs Capri Club, it's the kind of thing we'd post up on our own forums, not spam someone else's. The chap never once mentions what type of Landys he'd like to get involved..


maybe he is happy for any landies to be involved, as its raising money for the hospice, I dont suppose he has a particular bias to any particular model, and the route he has selected should even be easy enough for freelanders, so long as it doesnt rain
:) but he mentions that not one penny is going to the club.... which club?? He doesn't mention any, neither is there a link to any sponsorship forms...


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