
New Member
Hey, my names Grant and I come from New Zealand or the Colonies as some of you might think!! haha Ive been into Land Rovers from an early age since traveling down a beach in a 109 series II (I think) squashing blue bottle Jelly Fish... Learned to drive in my mates Series III 109 when I was about 13 and I now own it 14 years later.
I suppose nows a good time to confess my sins up until now I have owned and loved a Suzuki SJ413 Soft Top.... I went to pick up the Landy and hitched it to the Suzuki using an A frame, moved forward 10 meters to check everything was okay and went to stop but was pushed to the right and nearly jack knifed... So right from the start the Landy was calling the shots. The final nail for the Suzuki was when I was towing a trailer with fire wood on it and the whole thing jack knifed completly and stoved the door in... It's now sold as of writing this and just awaiting pick up. Now I can afford to put a diesel in the Landy and fix up a few things and get it back on the road warrented and registered.

So far this has been the best forum I have found by a long shot!!!


Grant W

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