
Hello everybody. My name on here is alandrover. I am new here but not new to Land Rovers. They have cost me a fortune over the years.
I currently have an 89, 90 hard top. IT started life as a 2.5turbo diesel pick up but i bought it in January as a mongrel 300tdi hard top. I am currently working on the engine with a replacement waiting to be fitted as its present engine has an oil pressure issue.
Today i went to get a new rear exhaust box, always a trial with a mongrel ! Craddocks let me down, yet again. JL services in Willenhall came to the rescue! Now fitted. And while i was there the radiator sprang a leak ! ! !
Ah well thats Land Rovers i guess.
I am looking forward to posting on here, asking for and giving advice.
Speak soon.
Lol, thats what Mrs Drover calls it, the moneypit !
Defender f,n,s-1024x576.jpg
Beauty is in the eye of the keyholder my friend.
Amen to that, you can never really tell from a photo, I went green laning with a scally off here and his defender was a lot rougher in real life than in the picture I'd seen but I know mine's rough in real life :(

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