
New Member
Hi everyone,
I just joined. I've got a "tired" 90 pickup, about 25 years old (the landy, not me). It's seen a fair bit of life including Welsh farms before serving as a bike lift in various forests. Apart from the engine, gearbox and bodywork it's in good condition. Photo demonstrates the love and attention it gets.


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Cheers all. Do I know what I'm letting myself in for? Well, providing you aren't expecting that I'll wash it, care for it, or anything not related to the MOT I'm up for Anything! Lashed out 39p on an almost completely unnecessary stoplight lens only last month so not thinking about further upgrades just now.
Cheers all. Do I know what I'm letting myself in for? Well, providing you aren't expecting that I'll wash it, care for it, or anything not related to the MOT I'm up for Anything! Lashed out 39p on an almost completely unnecessary stoplight lens only last month so not thinking about further upgrades just now.

:D:D Aha ... I see you have a decent sense of humour ... that's certainly part of every Landy owners toolkit. Unless of course you have a Gaylander (I know you have a Fender) in which case it'll be underneath the curling tongues ;)
Same direction? All four? Where do I get that done? Actually it is pretty sound - some guy stuck new bits of metal on it last year and tightened up some bits underneath that increased my ability to influence the direction it takes. I'm not very mechanically minded myself so I live in fear of a big problem but I love driving it.

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