
New Member
Hi all,

Been developing a Lnadrover habit over the last few years, first as tow vehicles for my wife's horses, now trialling...
Have a disco TD5 for towing, 30tdi RTV trialler, and am building a V6 CCV trialler

Thought I'd do the intro, as Whitbread built my CCV cage, see reply in the general discussion section.
Cheers, Neil.
Hi all,

Been developing a Lnadrover habit over the last few years, first as tow vehicles for my wife's horses, now trialling...
Have a disco TD5 for towing, 30tdi RTV trialler, and am building a V6 CCV trialler

Thought I'd do the intro, as Whitbread built my CCV cage, see reply in the general discussion section.
Cheers, Neil.

:welcome: to the loonyzone! :)

There are a number of other enthusiasts in the area, whereabouts in Kernow are you?
Hope whitbreads roll cages are better than their beer :D

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