:p Hello there fellow 4x4 nutters! Just to say hello, I have been looking at the website, and I like it! I am Vicki from Bristol Off Road. Apart from the Bristol 4x4 Funday, we organise loads of greenlaning trips and are planning an Expedition to Greece for Sept/ Oct time! I really hope that we can all swop muddy stories!! Check out the evidence on our photos page at www.bristoloffroad.co.uk
We are thinking about organising some demonstrations (depending on the situations) against the fuel prices, and about the horrible governments plans to rob us of our lanes and give the ramblers the uk all to themselves. Watch website carefully for annuncements. Get in touch too! Bye!
Bristol Off Road.
Hello vicky and welcome to Landyzone, please feel free to share any interesting info and photos that you have:D
Hello Vicki welcome to the site hope you will enjoy it as much as the regulars have. I have had a look at your site and looks great it's a pitty I'm up in Aberdeen as there's loads of clubs down south which I'd love to join,hope to hear more from yourself and other bristol 4x4 members.


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