
New Member
Hi all. The names Matty, Im from Banff up in the north east of scotland.
Me and my wife have just bought a '92 Defender 110 200tdi.
i'm in the process of getting it MOT ready with the previous keeper (a friend of the father in law) and I'm pleased to say that i think we're getting there. Got a bit of welding to do and a little general maintenance but should be ready for the beginning of next week fingers crossed.
Ive a couple of questions to post regarding the prep work and MOT but I'll get them up in other threads if i cant find an answer in the forum somewhere.
Thanks in advance for any advice you's may be able to offer and look forward to using the forum and hopefully being able to hepl anyone else along the way.
Welcome to the loonyzone mate!:) Theyre a nice vehicle, hope the weldings not too bad, the road salt in the winters is murder up there.

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