
New Member
Hi everyone, I've just about managed to convince my wife to let me have a landy so I'm starting my hunt.

As a practical woman she wants it to be able to take us an 2 children in a pinch so I'm looking for a Series 3 with 3 front seats or a 88 or 90 with the same and hopefully either do a front facing conversion for the back or get away with benches in the back. As child number 2 doesn't exist yet I reckon I can get her used to the idea that she's never going to want to go out in the landy with me much anyway!

Looking forward to spending some time here, hopefully one day I'll be in a position to give other newbies advice :)
Tell the Doris in no uncertain terms that you WILL be getting the Landy of your choice and that she will have the great privilege of motoring with you in YOUR Rover!

I'd suggest something that holds 2 rug rats, like a Series 3 with 3 front seats or a 88 or 90 with the same. ;) And make sure she likes the color.

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