Mr. S

New Member
Hi, my name is Stewartand I am the proud owner of a Land Rover series 3 88 “ 1984.. Since buying over five years ago I have pretty much seen every nut and bolt and and totally self taught, having little to no mechanical automotive skills prior. My Landy is a brilliant educator and continues to throw up little gems where I sit in camping chair next to it and stare, thinking , how on earth do I sort that out. Some problems caused by me due to the well known theory of ‘A little knowledge is dangerous ‘ and some just age old problems. My growing knowledge comes from the green book, You-Tube and good old google. But, at times it’s very difficult to find info specific to the fabulous S3. Seems to be Defender this, Defender that, and I know many early items clearly link with the S3. I hope kind souls will help me on my never ending journey to keep my S3 as my daily drive. I look forward to having discussion with those a lot wiser than myself. Cheers, Stewart.
Welcome :)
Kids learn from Meccano kits whilst adults gain similar experience from 'proper' LR's. May your learning curve continue
I can only suggest you browse & post on the Series sub-forum, I've owned five Series over the past years but age takes it's toll & it's auto-boxes & comfy seats now.
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