nigel ramsbottom

New Member
hello people, i've just joined this forum and at first glance it seems very helpful. i have a td4 and it is causing me some concern. every time i put on the squoossers, you know the bit that squirts water on to the windscreen, well my reverse lights come on. i can hear you all asking how i could know that well my partner elton told me so.
also i had it valeted by brighams of fulham yesterday and the nice boy told me that when he poured water on the roof the windows all opened. personallly i don't believe him but what can you do? so now i have a wet carpet as well and elton doesn't like getting his knees wet, if you know what i mean!
i don't drive my freelander much as every time i take it out it ends up back in the dealers workshop, they say its something to do with ecu's. can anyone tell me more about these things?
one last thing before i have to go and fed fifi, is there any way i can fit my mobile salon into the back of my car? i was thinking that maybe i could take the back seats out and use that space .
well i'll say thanks for any help and hope to hear from yous soon.
best wishes nigel xxx
hello boys
how are we to night? i'm really fuming now!! elton and i went out to do some off roading in my freelander on hampstead heath and it ran aground on the kerb. after about an hour the rac turned up and you wouldn't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was a woman ! well you can imagine how elton and i felt.
one of the joys of having a freelander is all the hunky men that come round to fix them. elton doesn't liike it but i do enjoy the bum cleavage that one sometimes sees, but a woman? they're just not equiped to deal with a beast like the freelander. anyway she towed us up on to the grass with her defender, a real brute i can tell you, and we was soon off roading on the heath. just our luck it started to rain and the alarm went off and the doors kept opening and closing. the worst part was when the police came because they thought elton and i were stealing the freelander, which of course we wasn't.
i had to get out all kinds of things, passport , insurance and our civil partnership certificate.
after the police left we tried to get back off roading but it wouldn't start, again. so once again we called out the rac and this time it was pure beefcake, all muscles and trouser bulge, we didn't waste anytime in inviting heathcliff round for a dinner party at one of the fashion houses.
oh i forgot to say elton and i have an open marrage so we don't mind sharing, if any of you freelanderers are interested just call into my home page and leave a message.
sorry i'm getting carried away here. it's the thought of heathcliff i think.
heathcliff dear dear boy that he is has said that the freelander will have to go back to the dealers on monday to have it back end lubbed ( lucky thing) the good news is he said he has a friend that has a series landrover??? no i didn't know either, that we may be able to borrow. it seems that the series is a real mans car and i'm not sure if my wrists will be strong anough to cope with the manly steering that it has. so my question tonight is this .. is it possible for a freelander driver to operate a series or is it just to much machine and do you need to use a step to get up so high?

thank you all
hugs and kisses nigel xxx
p.s fifi says woof

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