
New Member

Have been sniffing around the site for a while and thought it was time to join up. I am currently looking for a Landy to play with, a 90 would be ideal.
Over the years I have had a 109 2.25 petrol, ex water board with one ton springs, they had to go! Followed by a 110 V8 County, loved the sound of it and enjoyed watching the fuel gauge go down quicker than the speedo went up. Brakes were dreadful, need about three days to stop the beast. I then moved on to a 90 hard top which was a bit of a “pavement princess” fully carpeted and soundproofed, weller wheels and other bits – sad I know. This gave way a a few years later to a 300Tdi Disco 3 door. Funny I seem to have photos for all my old LR’s but very few of my normal vehicles.
I have had and still do have normal cars, changes during life means this sometimes has to happen, but as all of you know once a Landy gets into your blood you are stuck with it. I currently have three vehicles and the Landy will make this a nice round number of four.

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