
Its nice to have found this Forum as a lot of very knowledgable appear to contribute to it and we desperately need advice on what to do about the ongoing problem with our beloved 99 Reg TD5 D2 Auto known as 'Big Red'. I don't know anything about the technical side of Landrovers but my husband Rod does and he is stumped. As he doesn't like computers etc but I do you will have to put up with our double act where Rod tells me what to write about Big Red's problem and I put it on the Forum and hopefully if anyone can help he can then read the responses and act on them.
THE PROBLEM: The regular appearance of LIMP-HOME Mode with the twwo green Manual and Sport Mode lights flashing simultaneously! This problem has plagued us for years(we have had himself for 10 years now)
A fault code is always stored on the auto transmission ECU each time the limp home mode is activated. These fault codes have subsequently been cleared by the various people including a main dealer(like the 'stealer' better) who reckoned that they were going to cure the problem. The D2 then behaves normally for a while until the fault recurs. If we switch off the engine the lights will mostly have gone when we switch back on again.
Most recently we visited a specialist gearbox repairer who confirmed that there are no active faults within the gearbox itself The specialist suggested that they replace the starter inhibitor switch which is situated on the n/s of the gearbox and is connected to the central console gearbox selector knob. We agreed to this and a reconditioned one was fitted last October 2015. For a time all was well and we were lulled into a sense of false security(do Landrovers do this to their owners on purpose!!!!!!) Then just after Christmas the dreaded lights appeared again. Just now and again to begin with and always disappearing when the engine was switched off and on again. But this am we tried, unsuccessfully, to clear the lights three times. Seems to happen mostly when starting up first thing in the morning. We hope that someone out there on the Forum recognises this problem and has a solution - short of scrapping :)))) Please help if you can.

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