
New Member
Hi Guys,
Just wanna say a big hello, came across your site and it look well good - i just had to join.
Anyway a few questions i have...

1. Is the TD4 a 16 Valve engine

2. Anyone know where i can get a genuine origonal freelander ariel from

Thanks guys

Hi and welcome, yes the td4 is a diesel 16 valve in line, 4 cylinders 2ltr turbo double o h cam ,the valve are operated by hydraulic type tappets and this engine is a bmw ,and its the dogs. . . ;)
i am going out on a limb here but i think Land Rover dealers sell the Airiels? Just a wild stab.

Seriously though they are quite cheap. You can use just about any British Leyland airiel and if you dont want to go to the dealer, alternatively just go to Halfrauds
Freelander4eva said:
Hi Guys,
Just wanna say a big hello,
Anyway a few questions i have...

1. Is the TD4 a 16 Valve engine Ans YES

2. Anyone know where i can get a genuine origonal freelander ariel from Ans YES

Thanks guys

The pleasures all mine
Welcome to the lunatic asylum!
Welcome Freelander4eva. My name is Mark and I have a Freelander too.
I know something. An answer to your question 2.
I'm selling an aerial for £6000. You get a free Freelander V6 with it. Would you like it?
Dave Herron said:
i am going out on a limb here but i think Land Rover dealers sell the Airiels? Just a wild stab.

Seriously though they are quite cheap. You can use just about any British Leyland airiel and if you dont want to go to the dealer, alternatively just go to Halfrauds

watch it if you are going to Halfords - I snapped mine off when I was trying to fit me softtop - bought one of them £5.99, one-size-fits-all jobbies from Halfords - reception is crap, can just pick up a coupla stations on FM - I may have to bite the bullet and buy a proper LR one - aggghhh

btw - welcome Freelanda4eva!!!
i didn't realise the Td4 was such a tidy lil number.16 Valve and overhead cam shaft - i guess BMW take their engines very seriously.
Does anyone have tints in their freelander on the windows as i looking into getting some done.Not sure what style to have but i want a pukka job doing.
Any ideas !

Freelander4eva said:
i didn't realise the Td4 was such a tidy lil number.16 Valve and overhead cam shaft - i guess BMW take their engines very seriously.
Does anyone have tints in their freelander on the windows as i looking into getting some done.Not sure what style to have but i want a pukka job doing.
Any ideas !

I really need ta get some tints,my eyes are really sore. . .:)

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