Hello Everybody, Just bought our first ever Landrover Freelander 2.0 td, 55 reg.
Not sure if we made the right decision, but heho, the old man likes it for fishing! So had to have it.

Can anybody put my mind at rest? We travelled home 75 miles, a hour and a half.
And we now have a very small puddle of clear water under the 4x4. . .
We did Not have the air con on.

Hubby says its nothing to worry about. LOL
But I am worrying already!

Any advice gratefully received. x
It was a nice sunny day, and no it had not been cleaned.

I have been reading posts on here, and changed the heater dial from the window screen, and it has not dribbled since! :)
please ignore everyone that tells you the doors are going to fall off.

they're only jealous because Freelanders have doors that fit :)


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