
Hi guys.

I wanted to thank the guys on this forum for being a gold mine of information. We are a South African family of four who have been on the road in our TD5 130 for almost three years, circumnavigated and drove through every country in South America then drove up the Central America and are on our way to Alaska. We have had some breakdowns, an oil cooler and a fuel pump, and the technical information I found on this forum helped me to do the repairs myself, in a campsite or in a parking lot. We have come to rely on this forum and a few others as an unofficial 'back up' for info and advice. Unfortunately forums are a bit time consuming so we tend to be more active on social media. So thanks to the gurus, especially those guys who take photos and do step by step guides for repairs. You have no idea how many people you are helping!
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Wow, what a cool post. Do you blog to a web address I can go to, you know, to live vicariously?!

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