
New Member
Hi there,

Completely new to Threads, Forums and what not. But i was recommend to join/make myself know on here by a friend as they say its a good place for advice and from what i have seen so far, im certainly impressed.

So here i am and i obviously own a landrover..

1972 Series 3, 200tdi disco conversion with LT77 gear box fitted which the previous owner had fitted (bit of a bodge compared to some in my opinion) which i have owned for about a year now.

Plenty of problems and issues but then again i believe i would be bored without them.

So firstly a quick question on a radiator i have come across on Ebay.

DEFENDER - 200tdi Radiator - BTP1823S | eBay

As im running mine currently on the old series rad not the disco rad, i wondered if this would help/be better in anyway? As i feel the series rad is a touch overkill for the 200tdi maybe keeping the old girl too cold. Or is this just me being picky and the old saying "if it works dont change it" comes to mind. But also i dont believe (pretty much 100% sure) i have an oil cooler. Is one needed (she's been running fine with out)? As this would kill two birds with one stone so to speak, And as im running out of space for new gizmos under the bonnet it would save all the hassle of finding space for a separate oil cooler (if one was needed).

A simple "leave it how it is" answer will be fine.

Oversize rad shouldnt be any big issue as long as you have correct thermostat fitted and the engine gets to correct operating temp :D

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