
Hello everyone,
good to be on your site I hope your a friendly bunch :). Anyway down to brass tacks sorry if this is put in the wrong place but I see that the early l322 RR's aren't very reliable is the 2005-on face lift one any better?
Hello everyone,
good to be on your site I hope your a friendly bunch :). Anyway down to brass tacks sorry if this is put in the wrong place but I see that the early l322 RR's aren't very reliable is the 2005-on face lift one any better?

typical feckin RR driver , knows he is in the wrong but just carries on regardless, arrogant tosser, if you cant be arsed to put it in the right place i cant be arsed to be nice,

I hope you get festering weeping pustular boils all over your scrotum and your urethrae is blocked with a red hot poker before lunch.
typical feckin RR driver , knows he is in the wrong but just carries on regardless, arrogant tosser, if you cant be arsed to put it in the right place i cant be arsed to be nice,

I hope you get festering weeping pustular boils all over your scrotum and your urethrae is blocked with a red hot poker before lunch.

Thought that was polite seen worse :D
1. I don't have a RR yet, trying to find out which one to go for first [proving difficult]

2. There seems to be some rivalry between models [am I right]

3. I'm new to the site [as fore mentioned]

4. Is there anybody that can help? [I'm thinking not]

5. Maybe I should try a different site []
1. I don't have a RR yet, trying to find out which one to go for first [proving difficult]

2. There seems to be some rivalry between models [am I right]

3. I'm new to the site [as fore mentioned]

4. Is there anybody that can help? [I'm thinking not]

5. Maybe I should try a different site []

Take no notice... we is a friendly bunch, dont take anythin these lot say to heart they is harmless, try postin a thread with your question in the RR section, that way you will get a better response.. possibly... :D :welcome:
1. I don't have a RR yet, trying to find out which one to go for first [proving difficult]

2. There seems to be some rivalry between models [am I right]its called banter

3. I'm new to the site [as fore mentioned]so?

4. Is there anybody that can help? [I'm thinking not]more than you can shake a stick at, i promise you

5. Maybe I should try a different site []please see my comments below

please feel free to leave at any point, you will of course be leaving the best Landy based forum available on the net, but that is your prerogative. If you feel this place isn't for you then please move on, if you decide to stay, here is a little advice for you:
first learn the basic etiquette of the forum you choose to visit
second dont be such a pi55y little girl about things, if a few sardonic comments upset you so much maybe somewhere else is better for you.

Dont let the door bang you on the arse on the way out now, byeeee

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