Jonathan BBC

New Member
Hello to all members.

My name is Jonathan Eden and I work for the BBC in Oxford, I recently had a Defender 110 stolen and I am in the process of researching a feature on the thefts of this British Icon.

A bit about my loss:

I brought a 1988 defender 110 last year and had started the process of upgrading it to have a vehicle which my family could go traveling around the UK and Europe in. In the six months before it was stolen I had changed all of the lights, completely re-upholstered the interior and re-hung the doors. The project was a very personal one to me and I had spent a lot of time working on “the old girl.”

When I woke to see the vehicle had been stolen it was akin to losing a family friend and my entire family were gutted.

The project:

Some of the details of the feature are going to be kept secret until we air the programme. So obviously I cannot go into specific details, however what I am looking for is information and stories of stolen Defenders especially from those who have any pictures or videos of the vehicles theft. The location is not important but the closer to the south of the country the better for me. Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Wiltshire and Hampshire are of particular interest to me.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me on this.


Jonathan Eden

BBC Oxford.
Funny isn't itt that the BBC have no interest in anything to do with Landies until one of their staff has his nicked!
Then they decide to make a programme about it, probably showing how to steal, strip and dispose of one!
This is the BBC at it's self-centred best, and what we pay our illegal tax to a private company for!
I do hope that he gets it back, and that he enjoys the cameraderie of Landy ownership, but please will he spare us his personal sob story promoted by the BBC, as many of us have gone through the same!
No doubt he BBC will provide him with some one-to-one counselling for his unique trauma ... paid for by us, of course!!!
Rant over!!
Funny isn't itt that the BBC have no interest in anything to do with Landies until one of their staff has his nicked!
Then they decide to make a programme about it, probably showing how to steal, strip and dispose of one!
This is the BBC at it's self-centred best, and what we pay our illegal tax to a private company for!
I do hope that he gets it back, and that he enjoys the cameraderie of Landy ownership, but please will he spare us his personal sob story promoted by the BBC, as many of us have gone through the same!
No doubt he BBC will provide him with some one-to-one counselling for his unique trauma ... paid for by us, of course!!!
Rant over!!
Not many tratterers know of tratter thefts being quite high. A lot of them only find out after their loss. Surely any advertising to help those who dun't know is a good thing? Let the bbc help us advertise the problem so more tratterers take preventative measures.
Been on the receiving end of the beebs lies and bull. Fabrication for effect seems to be their motto. I wouldnt get involved for fear of being arrested for aiding and abetting. I would also recommend others to steer clear.
If the core message is you need to up your security then that can only be a good thing. Look at the poll on here most get nicked with out any decent security in place.

As regards to telling people how to nick them, most are stolen to order by people who know how to do it already.

Leave the guy alone, if a personal loss has inspired him to make this program then good on him. Not everyone who works for a company you don't like is evil.
People who nick tratters know how to nick them. Proof of that on ere in the stolen section where theif's tow them away in daylight or at night, winching them onto recovery trucks/trailers and carry them away. Some get in and let the handbreak oft and roll oft a slopped drive so owners dun't hear them. Others break in during day light or at night and put in the effort to bypass or remove additional security. Dun't matter which option they choose, they do it quite well. Candy from a child if yer think about it. Standard security on tratters is crap. Some tratterers just dun't listen and dun't think it will happen to them. Some dun't even realise the risks. Others just can't be bothered.

So we have the option of TV advertising to make peeps aware of the problem or not. Many peeps on the web are happy to tell you what additional security items offer little protection while others don't want the BBC to help. Many will tell you alarms are a waste of time but they're happy to buy second hand parts oft eb ay knowing there's a chance the part has come from a stolen tratter that has been stripped. Many have come on ere to tell us their heap of rust has been stolen. Sadley it doesn't look like it's going to stop. Tratter theft's have been rising over the years with some lucky peeps getting theirs back with the use of trackers. It's not unknown to have several tratters stolen in the same night in the same area. Peep's complain the police do nothing about it but often there's nothing to go on. Can yer imagine phoning them to tell them yer tratters gone, some time over night and theres no witness. Yer dun't even know how they took it or which direction they went... It's no wonder the police can't find them if there's nothing to look into. Tratters dissapear and there's no sign it was there, not to mention no evidence of how it was stolen. I can't see the BBC making the current situation any worser than it is unless they start nicking them anorl.
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