
New Member
not been on here since march cos i was looking to swap my trike for a landy.well at last i got it.a tidy 81 series 111 diesel.few little jobs to do but nothing serious for a landy.ok the window falls out if you slam the door but lets face it having owned old landys in the past its not so great lol.a landy aint a landy if theres nothing wrong with it ffs.ok first question what comfortable high back seats will bolt straight in please.question two.i am looking for a set of white 8 spokes with good tyres at a reasonable cost something which will do on road and off.question three..can you still get paint "bronze green" in a brushing quality as i have no access to a sprayer.cheers maurice

ps some pics of our "tabaca" sorry about extension lead in pic.


Oooo, seats..............RR's are easy peasy & waaaay comfy. Frunt holes line up & with a bit of 6mm bar, a drill and some bolts & washers they're a piece of ****.
S'pretty that. Yer wanna tek the 'plough' orf the back & git sum matching frunt tyres..........burrits purdy that is. ;)
Good change of vehicle!

As regards seats, Subaru Impreza ones fit nicely and easily.

sounds good to me grippa.and i am so bloody happy to be back in a REAL motor again.i used to compete a lot (elrc)till i broke me neck ffs on the road in a rangey.so where are you all.we are in harwich(edge of the world) the world is flat after all.cheers maurice

ps..grippa i got lots of pics on my pc but a little bit adult for here lol.

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