elliot brown

New Member
i would like to start by saying hello cool site you got here and a good bunch on posters.

i havent actually got a land rover yet but am on the hunt id love a orange 90 with the equippe winch bumper but any colour really i got a mate that sprays car's for a living :D:cool:.

any way on to the word of warning and maybe one on the mods wud like to edit this so more could see it.

ive been on gum tree an after contacting a few sellers about ther cars i noticed a trend appearing the same email address ((peterpeterengle@
))for 2 differnt 90's at bargin prices and also a 2nd related to this peter peter eon1970@ was used to send the second email sent care of. after doing a search it revealed the eon email is related to a site with a car forsale in australia. which is strange when they told me the car was in switzerland.

like to hear sum feedback has anyone else had this happen or herd of it happening.

i can post or forward the emails to people if they are interested

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