Paul Leinichen

Active Member
Hi all,

Is there any of you lovely Landyzone people who might be making a trip from Kent to Somerset / Bristol area that could transport a roofrack for me (eBay item number 332334052325)?

Was all bought and paid for with courier arranged as the larger goods service offered by MyHermes exclusively through Parcel2Go website - 3 times they've failed to turn up for the sender and he's understandably getting a little hacked-off at hanging around and waiting for them - tried contacting them, there's no way to ring them and query it and when trying to speak to their (presumably offshore) webchat team they keep making excuses about technical difficulties and disconnecting - won't ever use them again for anything!!!!

Anyway, now stuck with an absolutely superb roofrack that's bought and paid for but is the other side of the country - so looking to see what can be done about that.

Anyone able to help?

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