J L Carr

Active Member
Hi All. My RR had development a heater problem, it started yesterday morning on my way up to Birmingham. Drivers side is giving out heat but the passenger side is bolwing cold air and some times the frost symbol flashes on the heater control panel. So I took out the AC relays to see if that would stop this, but its still the same, the only thing I can come up with is 1 of the blend motors is stuck open and the air that's coming in is from the bonnet grill. I took out all the fuses to see if that would solve the problem and re-set thing's but no. So your help is needed.
L/H blend motor failed . Snow flake will come up when O/T is 3 degrees C or less
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Thanks Wammers, how easy are they to change, can this be done by taking the glove box out, or is it a full centre console job.
Thanks Wammers, how easy are they to change, can this be done by taking the glove box out, or is it a full centre console job.

Sometimes they can be fixed by just cycling them. Depends what is wrong. Quite a task to completely change but you can get a new one and cut a splice the new one to the old cable. N/S one is a lot easier than the R/H one. See RAVE for instructions.
If it won't go back to normal by moving the controls, can the flap be closed manually till I get a new 1. After taking the blend motor off.
If it won't go back to normal by moving the controls, can the flap be closed manually till I get a new 1. After taking the blend motor off.
Yes . . . . after you remove the glovebox for access !! :)

As for the frost symbol, open the window to check if it's cold . . . .then close it again !!
Hi Guys. Got a replacement blend 5 wire motor the same as mine, but noticed what looks like a fiber optic wire as well or is this just a packing piece. If it is fiber optic how can you connect it ?, the hardest part about changing the motor is trying to get your hand behind the large duct as I cannot get this out of the way with out having to strip the whole dashboard out. Lol.

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