1. Post in the correct department.
2. give more information.
3. No offence intended.
slob said:
1. take out old one
2. fit new one

sorry to disagree slob old boy but i think the easiest way is
1) take car to garage
2)tell man to change heater matrix
3) pick up car when finished

you are all wrong again as per usual.
sell the landy and buy another one with a good/non leaking heater.
negative doormouse you are the wrong one, its easier to get it fixed by a garage than go through the hassle of selling then buying ;)
Your all wrong as usual. And just to upset you all I'm not going to tell you why.
yes yer right grunt the bloke didn't say what he wanted to change it to. ah mean he might want to change it to a banana or a set of spiral stairs. we just don't know and dare i say it.............................................................
we don't care
Heres one from our living room wall.


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