
D3 Grandad
Full Member

had a good read through about the heater matrix not performing as it should whilst the temp gauge remains on normal

when I replaced my heater matrix hardly any water was lost and topped it up with water , was a few cup fulls

today I just started the car up as I've not been using it lately, ran it up to temperature and put the temp and blower onto max

the heat was very poor, before I had to replace the leaking matrix I never had a problem

when the engine was cold i vented it on the nib vent on the matrix top hose

been searching for this other vent but for the life of me can't find it , has anyone got a pic please

don't think its a thermostat issue but just an air one

should I drain all the water out and replace it with new antifreeze

belive it's oats antifreeze that I've got to use, is it just a question of pulling off the bottom hose to allow the water to drain and then refil using a 50/50 mix

sorry in being so dim but how do I get a 50/50 mix in if I don't know that I've got all the water out, how do I ensure its all out before I start filling again

got a hydrometer , to test the level of antifreeze but haven't got a clue in how to use one

have got a hawkeye but I sent it away to have the new software updated on it and should get it back very soon

so sorry once again in asking daft questions but any help would be gracefully appreciated plse so I can get this all done before the cold weather is upon us

cheers guys as always

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Not sure of your model TD4 isn't it? My Haynes manual only shows a bleed point on the heater hose and I believe it's the same for the L series too.
Your h'book will indicate the capacity of your cooling system: L series = 6.5 litres, TD4 = 6.6 litres according to my Haynes manual.

With the motor cold and off [not running] AND the heater control set to hot, empty the cooling system buy undoing the bottom rad' hose. You can also undo the two heater hoses and if you're keen one of the IRD hoses too. If I want to remove more coolant you can use a piece of hose, place it over one of the heater matrix ends and gently blow - not to hard as it will get you. You can do the same to the heater hose/s and IRD hose, this will help to remove more of the old coolant. You can blow into the coolant bottle too and this will vent more coolant out.


I use red OAT coolant. I premix it 50/50 with deionised H2o. Then refill the system. I'd expect to to put in about five to six litres. So you'll need three to four litres of a'freeze concentrate.

Once filled to the full mark on the coolant bottle start the engine and let it idle. As the coolant level drops carefully top it up. Loosen the heater hose bleed screw but do not remove it and allow coolant to escape. When bubbling ceases and there is a steady 'flow' of bubble free coolant retighten that bleed screw. Repeat the top up process. Allow the motor to fully warm up, turn the interior blower on, do you get heat coming from the heater = good. Check coolant level, top up if necessary. Put coolant bottle cap on and continue to allow motor to idle. Leave idling until cooling fans come on. Listen for any gurgling sounds especially from heater = a potential air lock. If none that's good. If heard then rebleed the system. Check coolant level.
bless u and really appreciate it

sorry being a doughnut about the antifreeze mix, realised if I just buy 50/50 oats can then just pour in what's required , lol

just had never done it before and had a very rough idea in my head but great to get advice

will hopefully be able to get it done soon and expect it's just an airlock as the matrix is new

on flushing the system out is it better to just use a hose pipe and leave it running till it goes clear ,

since owning the car for around 4 years haven't changed the antifreeze and think it's about time to replace it

have done all the autobox oils, diffs, brakes,interior etc so will be nice to get this done

when I bought the car started a book and wrote down everything that has been replaced and always annually make sure all the fluids are checked and replaced as required

sorry yes it's a 2002 td4 and nearly on 180,000 and been a great motor and would defentely have another one , but would get a 5 door next time, easier to get the dogs in, lol

thks again
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