
New Member
Hi All
Apologies if this has been asked before but I wa sunbale to find a categoric answer. I have a 1994 RR Classic 3.9efi. The heater is blowing hot(ish) when the car is at running speeds but goes very lukewarm at idle. I suspect an air lock in the heater circuit compounded by the fact the car has a LPG reducer mounted on top of the n/s inner wing making this the high point of the system. No overheating and new radiator fitted recently.
The official LR workshop manual states that the filling tower is on the heater return pipe (and also shows this on the flow diagram) but the parts book appears to contradict this showing the rubber hose from the manifold, which is the heater input pipe, going to the outer of the 2 metal pipes yet this is the pipe on which the tower is fixed!
Surely logic would dictate that in order to fill the system you should fill it in the direction the coolant will flow??
If this is right then the feed pipe from the manifold should go to the outer of the 2 metal pipes and the short return hose back to the water pump should be on the inner???
The length of the original and replacement pipes would also suggest this is right.
Is anyone out there able to confirm for me please, either from knowledge, or a quick look under their own bonnet!
I really need to get the heater fixed as the Mrs is starting to complain :D
All help much appreciated.

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