
New Member

Have just replaced the heater blower motor as a result of the old one having seized up and it managing to melt part of my fusebox which was kind of it. Think a little too much wading was the cause of that one !

This buggered the fuse holder so wired in a separate fuseholder thingy for heater fuse. I also replaced the heater fan speed switch and cable behind the dashboard. The first new heater motor i got from Britpart had faulty wiring inside the motor so out came the heater box for a 2nd time(boring) and another replacement went in which appears to be ok. However here lies the problem. When I turn the fan on at the dash the heater motor delays and take around 5-10 seconds before it comes on. When it does come on the speed is not that great either and it has been pretty good in the past. Any ideas ?

I thought it maybe the resistor although I'm not sure. I know this controls the speed of the fan by regulating the amount of currant so wonder if its having problems. Theres power getting to the unit but takes a while to kick in and even then its a little poor. How about the earths? I'll check the connections direct to the speed switch tomorrow to see if theyre ok. I've heard the earth for the heater is at the back of the dash behind the instrument panel somewhere. Is that correct and if so whereabouts as I'll check that too ?

Failing that and if it was the resistor that was the issue how would I bypass it to allow the heater to just stay on at the one speed. For my sake this would need to be explained in idiot form ie which coloured wire cut and joined to ???:doh:. I've done a few SEARCHES:):D:D using the SEARCH:) BUTTON but couldnt find what i was looking for. My wife tells me its called "man looking" ... !:mad:

Any help would be splendid !
make sure you have good motor ground

make sure new fuse block is attached not just hanging there,

trace all wires looking for ware make sure rubber gromlets where wire goes through metal,lots of common sense :doh::doh::doh: wire old machines =lots of use= lots of common sence.:):)

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