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I own a 62 Plate Range Rover Westminster 4.4L TDV8 bought it March 2021


A couple of months ago the blower packed up and after a bit of research i figured that the motor had expired as it wouldn't run even on full Aircon which bypasses the third stage resistor thing!
Last night 11/11/2021 i was coming back from Coventry stopped to fuel up and as i drove out of the garage the blower squeaked and came on bizarre or what. Sadly the blower came on about half speed and whilst it would go up to full speed it would not stop whatever i did.
Even when i got out of the car switched off ignition etc it was still running. I had to disconnect the battery as i couldn't find the fuse ( its actually in the boot).
Anybody know what the the problem is please!!!
Any help gratefully received sorry this post is a bit long winded.
i couldn't find the fuse ( its actually in the boot).

Dont you just love LR logic:rolleyes:.

I cant help really but looking at the wiring dia there dosent seem to be much to it except a few trickery modules:eek:.
Do you have a code reader, If not I suggest you invest if not for this later down the line.

Anyway here. all the help I can give:). which funnily enough doesn't show the resistor (unless its the module by another name).



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I own a 62 Plate Range Rover Westminster 4.4L TDV8 bought it March 2021


A couple of months ago the blower packed up and after a bit of research i figured that the motor had expired as it wouldn't run even on full Aircon which bypasses the third stage resistor thing!
Last night 11/11/2021 i was coming back from Coventry stopped to fuel up and as i drove out of the garage the blower squeaked and came on bizarre or what. Sadly the blower came on about half speed and whilst it would go up to full speed it would not stop whatever i did.
Even when i got out of the car switched off ignition etc it was still running. I had to disconnect the battery as i couldn't find the fuse ( its actually in the boot).
Anybody know what the the problem is please!!!
Any help gratefully received sorry this post is a bit long winded.

I would suggst you google hedgehog resistor L322 ....As I have heard of similar issues with that.
No guarantees, but worth a look.

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