
New Member
hi all,
The 10amp fuse for the blowers on the heater in my 90 keeps blowing after about 20 mins of driving!! Should I put a slightly higher amp fuse in or not?? They are on flat out mind you as its bloody freezing!!! Thanks Dan
If you replace the fuse for one of a higher rating then you risk an electrical fire, fix the fault instead of trying to cover it up!!!

I would guess that the motor is partially seized, check that the fan turns easily and if not, replace the motor for a new one (easily replaced).
can yu get at the fan motor easily on a 90? if so remove it, try and dribble oil into bearing cap at each end.Tthen run it for 5 mins directly across a battery - ie full load. sometimes that will free up a sticky motor.

DO NOT try this in a vehicle or fit a bigger fuse. There is a risk of the oil catching fire. you can normally hear if the fan is sticky, because it slowly builds up to speed.
On reassembly clean all electrical contacts and smear vaseline into connectors.
Check that the rubber drain valve in the heater box is not blocked, which causes water to get into the heater fan and stall/burn out the motor.
I found this out just in time on my 2005 TD5.
Never replace a fuse with a higher one, it's like just replacing the fuse with a nail. The fuse is their for a purpose, and in your case it is telling you something is wrong.
Well I suppose if he has replaced the fuse with a nail he now knows exactly where the fault is.
The heater box is quite sturdy, so if a higher rated fuse is substituted the blast should be contained within the casing.
The heater box is quite sturdy, so if a higher rated fuse is substituted the blast should be contained within the casing.
The trouble is that we are now into Winter, so after an hour or so of the blast he will be freezing as he no longer has heating apart from the hot water escaping from the heater unit.

BTW Dandy, did you ever solve this problem by a more conventional means?
Out of interest, anyone here know what the wattage of the motor is? I'm guessing 40-60watts.
Hi all,
A big sorry to everyone that replied to my tread but I assumed I would get a message come up when I had a reply. Only just realised this as I've just asked another question about my lt77 gearbox I haven't solved the heater issue but as long as I don't run it flat out its fine. And I didn't put a higher fuse in, just replaced the blown one with another 10 amp
Thanks Dan
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