
Hi all,

I fitted a pair of heated screens today in my series 2 landy, however im not too convinced they are working correctly as they do not seem to be getting very warm.

I have wired them up to a relay which is all working ok.

Could somebody confirm for me that on the glass itself are two wires, im guessing one of these goes to earth and the other is the live feed from the relay?

I have joined the live feed from the relay to the o/s glass and then linked this live feed to the n/s glass, im thinking that maybe i need a relay with two outputs and wire each glass with its own power?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

just connect both lives together and both earths together. yu need them running in parallel, not series. thats why they int very warm.

just to check - only connect one and feel the difference.
Go to the series 2 club The Series 2 Club Forum - Index they are about to sort out a massive buy and get a reduction on screens (heated) they should come to about £100 a set, a very good price, the more they buy the better the discount

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