andy vash

Active Member
I have a 2013 Defender XS with a factory fitted heated windscreen which doesn’t work properly. When l put it on, it only partially de-mists the screen, l get uneven vertical lines across the screen and on the passenger site there is a 300mm area that doesn’t de-mist. The screen looks ok and isn’t damaged, the connections to the screen are ok and the relays, fuses all seem to be good. I don’t know what else to do other than change the windscreen. Has anyone one had the same fault and how was it resolved?
Does yours have two connections (1 in each corner) or three ?

If part of it is working and the other isn't it does sound like the elements are broken in the glass, so, time for a new screen.
My cars don't have heated screens and a new plain one isn't expensive by any stretch of the imagination (£60 ish)
It looks to have two connections one in each corner. Although the metallic strip that runs along the bottom of the screen is broken in the middled, but it’s meant to be this way. I‘ve checked the continuity of the screen and it is good.
The wires in the screen are just that, wires, as current passes through them they heat up.
The wires are not in series but in parrallel.
Some of your wires have failed.

New screen time.
Go for a plain screen, keep it simple, have a couple of soft cloths to hand.

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