
Active Member
So nice and frosty this morning and the perfect chance to try out the heated front screen. Works great if you're in the passenger seat but not good at all from the drivers seat; in fact it's non existent.

Anyway I've checked the two fuses in the supplementary fuse box and they seem ok (I switched them around to check they both work and they do). I've also checked Fuse 8 in the passenger compartment and that is also ok.

Next step check the earth from the screen as I understand that these corrode and here's where I have a problem. When I undo the little push clips and remove the rubber seal I can move the plastic covers apart but I can't actually remove them as they are trapped behind the bottom of the A frame of the door where it meets the front wing. If I gave them a good yank I think I could get them out but I don't want to do that because I don't think I'll be able to get them back in again. I can feel the leads routing up top the screen but can't actually reach the connection with the plastic sections in place.

Am I missing something here or just being a bit of a wuss? Is a good tug the way to go?

Are you talking about removing the scuttle panel, where it hooks under the wing tops?

There's a ground point in each side of the vehicle, under which the window element ground wire is clamped.
Hiya Nodge

Yes, the scuttle panels so I can access that ground point. I'm guessing that there is some corrosion/ oxidisation there.

I've twisted the scuttle panels every which way but can't seem to get either side out.

I've twisted the scuttle panels every which way but can't seem to get either side out
They just spring out. You need to bend the scuttle panel a bit, but it's not difficult.
My own HFS has failed this winter, sadly right in front of the driver. Looks like I'll need a new screen soon.:(

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