Party Monkey

New Member
Just back off hols and catching up on LandyWatch stuff. Following was posted originally on the Land Rover UK forum over a week ago. Appears to be more like amateurs than pros.

In or around Melksham in Wiltshire: Keep an eye on your truck!

Posted by djwillis on Land Rover UK forum:

This is just one of those all to common warning posts.

It seems that a few Defenders (and older) have been going missing or getting badly messed up in attempts to steal over the last week or so around this area :(.

My own truck was badly messed up thanks to a botched attempt to nick it last Monday night, door bent, steering wheel bent, glass wrecked from the use of a bar to try and break the steering lock, barrel wrecked from a screwdriver. Loads of hidden damage inside the steering column and down :( and to top it all off the inside of the cab was wrecked and tossed, presumably when they realised they were not going to easily get it started.

Whilst this left me more than a tad gutted I (and the police) just put it down to kids trying to nick something for a joy ride (really, an Orange 90 FFS). Got to love the Police's straightforward attitude of making it clear 'no chance it will get solved really', I actually appreciated the honesty.

After asking around and talking to some other Defender owners in the area however it seems mine has not been the only truck turned over recently with a very similar MO and varying results.

It does not look like someone who knows what they are doing is trying to steal them but nobody wants there truck ruined by an idiot practising :(.

I can't really add any more other then to suggest people keep anything in the truck out of sight (my cubby box was pried open when the truck was tossed and some of the stuff in there nicked) and keep the steering locks and clutch claws on and visible.

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