
Head's a shed
I had a phone call from a friend yesterday afternoon saying their has been a landrover parked in the visitors parking spot at the block of flats where he lives and hasn't moved for 3 days.
He was outside putting the signs back on his van when some lads pulled up at the side of it in a white transit van, the horn sounded a couple of times and was opening the doors a few times whilst seeing if my mate was looking over, they then all got back in the van drove off.
He rang me for my opinion, I said it sounds very suspect, so it was decided we would reported it to the police who said they was going to send an officer out to check.
Half an hour later they was out in an unmarked car to have a look, a short while later a recovery truck arrived.
So what started out as suspicions, it turns out it was stolen.

I'm just glad we had as good as a result as we could under the circumstances.
It's kinda' worrying as to how close to home it is, but at least this one was saved, and just in time!
Just a heads up for locals really, or someone to put into statistics.

Trouble is the police will fail to tell the owners they have it in storage, insurers will pay and police will have a vehicle to sell topping up their pay !! ( allegedly)
The police will try to contact the registered keeper. This will involve visiting the registered address.

Well spotted. I wonder if it was left to see if it was found if fitted with a tracking device.
good result Aaron! Police should have set up a trap and caught them in the act tho instead of leaving them to take another.

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