Party Monkey

New Member
Taken from Landywatch, which in turn got it from the D2boys forum

All folks in Essex, if you live rural or have horses/stables/farms...keep a keen eye out for a silver/grey 4x4


The vehicle has been spotted at a local travellers site and at several premises around Braintree and North Essex in the last 3 weeks...things have also gone missing from the premises and the Police are attempting to catch up with these people.

They are often accompanied by a white Astra Van driven by a short, grey haired man, about 65, often claiming that he owes the owner of the premises money to gain access to the property to have a scout around.

The reg of the Daihatsu is reported as L709 REX. As always, this could be just an innocent coincidence but better forewarned
Yup there are Travellers camped of the A120 right in front of the Hoilday inn Express ..there is a Grey defender parked there as well
My neighbours had there caravan stolen the other week and they had two vehicles turn up and drive off. One of them I think was a white vehicle. Police have been contacted etc, but appears to be a genuine threat in the area.
Its shocking what these people can get away with makes my bloody boil Disco is tucked away safe.......
Seems to have been a few go missing in this part of Essex over the last few weeks :(
This posted on LandyWatch by the owner of the red 90 pinched from Ford End.

Following my post about our red Land Rover 90 Tdi being stolen from Ford End in the early hours of Mon 19/11, I also know of a TD5 being stolen from Pleshey (a mile away) last Wednesday 14/11, and have just found out ANOTHER Land Rover went from Felsted last night!! I'm assuming same lot of low life are responsible??
Looks like they're targeting this area in particular at the moment, suggest anyone with a landy in these areas (between Chelmsford and Dunmow) stays vigilant...........

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