
New Member
Hello there all,

I am a very new member to the site and was hoping that someone might be able to help me with my headlight problem. I recently bought my first Discovery and i love it, it's an L reg 2.5tdi and ticks all the boxes for us as a family. However i have noticed recently when driving in the dark that everyone keeps flashing at me as if i have my full beam on. Having read through the users manual i found that i don't have the beam adjustment switch on the centre console and really don't want to put it into the garage for something that i'm sure that i could do myself. Does anyone on here know how to adjust the beam manualy from under the bonnet please ?
should be easy . have a look around the headlight fer some plastic turny things.. i isn't sure about the adjusters on the disco but they should stick out and be easy to spot.
Depends how often, because of the height you do get some car drivers thinking they look "to high" for dipped.

My lights are fine, yet every now and again I will get a car owner flashing away like an idiot, I give them a flash of full beam to show I am not in full.

It could also be there not sitting in there ball clips properly, give them a shove on the corners and you might here them click into place. You can see the top two if the bonnet is up.

There is some various adjusting stuff behind them, but never really given it a look.
The Series2 headlights sit on little ball fittings and are easily adjusted provided you have prehensile arms to get down between the washer or battery box and the front panel, but not difficult.

You can drive very close to the wall (at night) on a flat surface and put the cars hi beams on and put a small x with a marker on the wall to show the centre of the beam. Then back up 5 feet and see if the centre of the beam is still on the X. Adjust accordingly. Go back another 5 feet and repeat the process. That should set your hi beams up properly and the low beams should take care of themselves.
discomania said:
Depends how often, because of the height you do get some car drivers thinking they look "to high" for dipped.

My lights are fine, yet every now and again I will get a car owner flashing away like an idiot, I give them a flash of full beam to show I am not in full.

Yes, I have had this a few times myself.
the problem with disco headlight adjusters is that they seize, you are better off getting nrew ones from the dealer, they arent that expensive ;)

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