
New Member

I'm a total newbie - just 2 weeks into the new adventure with a Defender 90 TD5.

Second job I attempt (replace the front grills and headlight surrounds) goes well until I check my lights still work. The n/s sidelight is happy, full beam is happy, but both main lights on dipped and the o/s sidelight have nothing. I didn't touch the main headlights, and I have re-seated the connection on both sidelights... still nothing. (Indicators still work too)

What have I messed up??? Where should I prod and poke??

Thanks very much, looking forward to joining you lot more!
You've probably disturbed the earth connections. Don't know where they are on a TD5, but look for a wire going from the bulb to the body, either under the wing or inside the engine bay. Probably up near the radiator.
Only advice I can give is be methodical.

Are you sure it was all working before you touched it?

Check all bulbs , so you are not chasing a spurious failure mode.
Get a copy of the electrical wiring diagram , ( do you have one?).
Check voltages with a multimeter.

Thanks... multimeter next purchase! Yes - all working before, think I have a diagram - not yet made total sense of it, all work in progress! Bulb on sidelight looks good. I'll look for an earth, check voltages and let you know how I get on!!

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