
Hi all.

I had a little ding today and found the off-side headlight washer pipe had become disconnected. I am at a loss as to where/how this needs to be re-connected. I haven't look at the connections previously but this is what I have.

From the resevoir there is a plastic connector that connects the near-side washer pipe. I expected to find a third port for the off-side pipe but there wasn't. If there should be a "Y" connector behind the bumper under the washer bottle then I can only assume that this was changed by the previous owner as I found that the pipe to the jet on the off-side was off too. I am guessing that they didn't what the problem of connecting it and instead took that washer out of service by removing the "y" connector and replacing it with a diferent connector.

Does anyone know if this assumption is correct as I cannot find a connection for the end of this pipe. Oh and the fuse was blown too.

Thanks, Matt
see this >>


16 Pump sealing grommet (if fitted)
17 Powerwash pump (if fitted)
18 Clip
19 Tube
20 Screw 2 off
21 Powerwash jet 2 off
22 Clip 4 off
23 Tube
24 'T' connector
25 Tube
Number 24 is the t connector, i replaced mine about 2 months ago, cost me £4.95 for a genuine part.
Thank you very much.

Looking at htis it appears that someone had previously taken the off-side washer out of service. I guess I will find out why when I get the right parts and re-connect.

Thanks again.

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