Hi there.

There is 2 screws on top, and 1 screw underneath the light unit. The one underneath, at least one the left side, is a real bugger to get to, very small space. Recommend a very small spanner. Think it is 8 or 10mm head on it.

Thanks for the replies - constructive and not so !!.......

Done this before many years ago and remember it was a fiddle .......

I was looking to remove mine, but it seems that it catches on the wing and the bumper stopping it being released. Do you have to unbolt the wing or bumper to get it out?
No - wing and bumper do not need to be undone.

Its a bit of a fiddle but they will come out - I used a large screwdriver to slightly bend the top face of the bumper to allow the bottom nut to clear


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