The heads are coming off (following overheating/coolant loss problems) and I am trying to prepare for anything that might need doing ahead of time.

Is there a way I can check if they are warped? I seem to remember something to do with a sheet of plate glass, though a Google search found only methods to lap the faces, not check if they are warped in the first place.

I would, of course, let a machine-shop do any necessary skimming.

I don't have a straight-edge at the moment.... Is there a way I can check for warpage?


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Get a metal rule or any think you know is 100% straight hold against head and shine a torch behind it if you can see the light coming through warped head, or if you dont need the torch to tell very warped head , good luck
If you manage to beg/steal a feeler gauge along with the straight edge, you'll be able to tell how much its warped by too and let any shop how much they will have to skim it by to get it all level again :)

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