
If you have any duff electric switches, try this simple fix before buying new ones, just remove and dip them in vinegar for about 10 minutes each in open and than closed position than rinse with water. Leave them to throughly dry and test them!!

My hazards stopped working and after finding the circuit diagram and tracing this through came to the conclusion that the switch was faulty caused by badly corroded contacts. I dipped the switch in vinegar for a while and refitted and then they worked, saved 35 quid on the cost of a new switch.
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True, but vinegar is cheaper at only 30p for a bottle of non branded. I also understand that Cokeacola should work, but sticky and cilic bang, but not tried any of them!
now think this 1 out, vinegar = acid. copper contacts in a switch dont like acid cus it eats them away, in 3mnths time when your haz flappers dont work the chances are the fish and chip wine as eaten your copper contacts in the switch

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