
New Member
We Sold the Landrover to a nice couple from Oban and they collected it yesterday. I Sold her (her ! where did that come from) so as to buy a much newer Defender anyway in the time it took to sell her the defender was sold so now I dont have a Landy (should I be writing on the landyzone ?) and after driving a defender, I want my series 3 back.
In two months I spent £500 on springs, shocks and oil leaks and in the end actually made money (a little bit) on her even though I bought the car from a dealer.
The Series three never let us down and got our dog to the vets via the woodhead pass whilst it was shut due to snow, with no problems (not even a slip) and everybody else was stuck or stopped.
The car has only been gone for 24 hours now and I want another although I will buy a Japanese 4x4 (xtrail probably) rather than a defender for getting to work in the morning.
I will let you know if I buy one but at the moment I am think that we did the right thing buying her and the wrong thing selling her.
omg i can't believe you sold her!! you fool:eek::p
mine was in the garage.......again..... for a week and i had my friends defender to drive, just not the same smile per mile as you get with a series is it? all that poncy power steering takes all the fun out of driving:rolleyes: Pig has cost me a fortune, i swear at her leaking on me every day but i wouldn't part with her...

oh no she's cost me way to much i'm going to drive her until she falls apart and dies:p:D:D
All my flabber is got maybe a bit unlucky with the defender...or maybe lucky with the series...

P.S. If you buy a slitty you will regret it for every day that goes by....
I think your biggest error was getting rid of one full stop. Nothing wrong with getting a defender as well as the Series, but, the idea is you collect them not sell them :)
What I cant beleave is that you " spent £500 on springs, shocks and oil leaks "

oil leaks are standard factory fitment !!!!! I could of given you some of mine for free ...... :D

couldnt resist soz :D .

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