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Following a spate of Land Rover and 4x4 theft in the South East, perhaps the thieves have claimed their first victim? Reading the news this morning and apparently a farmer Julian Gardner disturbed two thieves having a look around his farmyard, and was crushed between two vehicles and killed. His Defender and a Cherokee he was presumably fixing were found burnt out in nearby villages.

From google news:

Published on Fri Oct 15 15:01:10 BST 2010

A BURNT out Land Rover Defender, which was found abandoned in Cripps Corner, did belong to Mr Gardner, police have confirmed.

Another off-road vehicle, a Cherokee Jeep, was discovered in Sandhurst, which is being investigated as a line of enquiry.

Police have appealed for anyone with any information, or anyone who may have noticed any damaged 4x4 vehicles, to contact them.

Last Thursday, just days before Mr Gardner’s death, police issued a warning via its Horse Watch Scheme about a spate of 4x4 thefts in the area.

On Wednesday October 6, a Land Rover was stolen in Staplecross and thieves attempted to steal a Landrover in

There have also been reports of thefts of 4x4s in the Rye area.

At the time, police said it was believed the vehicles could have been targeted by suspects coming across the border from Kent.

Police have said it is ‘too early to say’ whether the thefts are linked to the incident at Bush Barn Farm.
Would be nice to think that these c@nts will get theirs. I'm not such a believer of karma though so I say let's hunt them down and, seein as they're fond of 4x4s, take them for some off-roading, chained and dragged by their ankles for, oooh lets say a nice trip round a quarry.
Bet fook all happens to them when they get caught.
"i'm sorry your honour, I did'nt get enought cuddles when I was younger and so I turned to crime......" blah blah....
yes more and more are goin missing and the bastards are heartless scum bags and would kill to make a few grand, hope the ****s are reading news and feeling so much guilt they go and throw themselves off a cliff!! scum of the earth and deserve nothing less than a bullet between the eyes

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