
New Member
Hi all.

I've always dreamt of owning a Landy and driving through Africa. The problem is I don't know the first thing about buying a Landy or how to maintain and kit it out for an overland trip. So I thought who better to ask for advice than people who share a passion for the outdoors, love Landies and/or have done it all before.

I'm looking to travel with my family (wife and 2 sons) so am looking to get a 5 door 110 Defender. I've not owned a Landy before so any advice on what type of vehicle to buy, what to look out for when buying it, how to learn to drive it properly and maintain it, and how to kit it out would be much appreciated.

Answers/any advice greatly received.

First job is join here so far so good. Look out for rust. Look out for any strange noises from the engine. No the heating wont work and never will. Yeah it should leak that much and please please dont ask what tyre size will fit. Budget would help us help you. Get out with us to pay and play and greenlaning you will gain the skills. You will soon learn what you want/need to kit it out.

Welcome to the forum
:welcome2: to the mad house, have a search and a read, might be worth having a read through some of the threads in the Expeditions section;);););)

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