Court Jester

New Member

First post but have been lurking for a while!

Not sure if anyone can help me. We had a great Defender 90 TD5 that got written off last year (other party failed to realise they were on wrong side of road and hit us head on). Looking to replace with a TD5 110. We are South West and these seem to be everywhere but!
2Us4Cars have a couple but seem to operate from same garage as Rossendale 4x4 for which I have seen mixed reviews. Companies house show the companies as different owners but both specialise in Defenders and StreetView doesn’t suggest it’s a site for 2 operators (unless the hand car wash has gone).

Two questions please if I may?
1. Anyone have any actual experience with these companies please or know if they are connected?
2. Anyone used or recommend an independent inspector from that neck of the woods please?

thank you

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The only two I am aware of are the same family. One nearer the town centre is dads and he used to buy in a lot of MOD and sell on. His son has the other a couple of miles down the road and sells and repairs.
I am going back a few years but they both seem decent chaps. A Rossendalien however is a strange breed and hard for anyone south of Edenfield to like, understand or fathom. Fortunately I only lived there for about ten years and escaped before my palms grew hair. Joking aside I have never laughed so much when visiting his sons garage, they are all bonkers. I think they referred to my series as a pig in lipstick.

you pays your money and takes your chance with any second hand car sale and landrovers as we all know hide more problems than most.
I don’t know any inspectors unfortunately never mind local ones.
Thanks for taking the time to reply Bobsticle, that’s really useful! No-one has come out of the woodwork with anything bad, which is reassuring!
Thanks again!

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