
New Member
My mate wants to up-date the look of his S111, so he's toying with the idea of sticking a defender front end on his landy.
Question....can you do the job just by using the bonnet and front grill jobby, or will you also need to graft on defender wings as well?
I have seen lots of Series landies with Defender fronts, I have never quite seen the point in it myself but there you go! I would have thought the wings would need to be changed as well.
It takes a lot of work to make it look right.
Simply using 90 wings isn't the answer, as the apertures in the wings don't line up with the wheels.
Bonnet lenght - front pannel is flush on wings on fender

...Why would you want to get rid of thoose classic lines, man?
The landy in question is only used for off road pay and play day's, so my mate just wants to tart it up.
agree with all the abouve comments :D if he wants it to look like a defender then tell him to buy a defender series land rovers are the best looking landys around i rekon why mess with them ;)
I totally agree with what you are all saying, and so doe's the lad that owns it, but here's the thing....
It's only a play thing, it's not on the road. The front end has seen better days, infact it's dangerous, so why waste yet another set of series body work, when he can use deffender gear.
Daft question, but bear with me... Can you fit a series 3 front end on a 90???? Oh, and can the windscreen be folded down on a 90 soft top?
Why does he care what it looks like if it is just for pay and play?

Surely if its a bit battered you batter it back into shape and stick some bit of metal over the worst bits... spending money on the 'looks' of something you're just thrashing around and damaging from time to time seems a bit... errm... pointless?
Why does he care what it looks like if it is just for pay and play?

Surely if its a bit battered you batter it back into shape and stick some bit of metal over the worst bits... spending money on the 'looks' of something you're just thrashing around and damaging from time to time seems a bit... errm... pointless?
One of the pay and play site's we use get a bit funny if you turn up with knackerd looking motors (thats fair enough in my eye's, as one of the other site's we use, is full of little chavs in beat up SJ's and other assorted jap crap and they dont care a flying f**k who they crash into) so he need's to sort his tired looking landy out, other wise there will be a good chance he's going to get turned away.
ok then, take off the wings and using lorry mudguards make them up your self if its just going to get trashed beleave it or not you can do quite a smart job or using the present wing tops cut them down to look like xtreme wings by whitbread that is all of coarse if you dont mind sacrificing the series lines!
It dont matter now, the landie will be going to the crusher at the local scrappy tomorrow, as he's been out and bought a girly SJ :doh:
I bet the lazy c**t doesn't even bother to remove the roll cage or winch bumpers before it meets its doom.
Daft question, but bear with me... Can you fit a series 3 front end on a 90???? Oh, and can the windscreen be folded down on a 90 soft top?

think the radiator would get in the way as im not sure there is enough space in the engine bay.

yes, you can fold down a defender windscreen...well dnt know about the modern ones

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