
New Member
am looking to do a trip to morocco.
Dont fancy the idea of going alone and am seeking anyone who has been before and knows the score for where to go and boarder crossings.
Dont really want to pay to go with a company as am looking to keep costs down.

Anyone interested?
why morocco so popular known a few people go ?

easy to get to, cheap ferry, good driving, deserts, mountains, coastline, something for everyone.

why not go alone? its highly recommended :)

no one else to please, no worrying about the other persons crap disco, no listening to their missus whine because she dont like the food or the people, no worries about getting split up, lost in cities etc etc...

...on your own the world is your lobster.
why morocco so popular known a few people go ?

You will know as soon as you get there James :D

The place is stunning

.....As griffdowg says, no reason not to do it solo in a well serviced vehicle for all the reasons he stated.

You'll probrably meet others you can tag along with en route in any case, and still be able to have some solo time when you want too.
I know Griff has done it... so has Rusty Rhinos... lots of help and advice on both of their websites as I recall!
As said, do it on your own, meet others out there for a beer and a chat, if you fall in love you can, spend more time together. Some people are nice to be with, some are not,.....guess who you'll get go with you if you advertise.
At this present time, I would seriously check out the ever changing world situation before making plans.
Another small point, closer to home if its your first trip. Have you driven long distances before, not just to the coast, for hours on end, has your partner? Does your partner actually WANT to go to your destination, any desert area, is mostly that...desert, it can be "pack gear, drive, get stuck, dig out, get stuck dig out, someone else gets stuck dig out" I,m not saying Morroco is all desert,......but it aint France either.
Its good to chat about it, better than waste time and money creating a bad memory, not been there, but done eastern europe several times.
Another small point, closer to home if its your first trip. Have you driven long distances before, not just to the coast, for hours on end, has your partner? Does your partner actually WANT to go to your destination, any desert area, is mostly that...desert, it can be "pack gear, drive, get stuck, dig out, get stuck dig out, someone else gets stuck dig out" I,m not saying Morroco is all desert,......but it aint France either.
Its good to chat about it, better than waste time and money creating a bad memory, not been there, but done eastern europe several times.

I disagree a little with this. You dont have to drive long distances if you dont want to and driving the motorways in Europe is infinitely easier than the UK.

I had never driven long distances, driven abroad or been to Africa before and only had my license 3 years when we went on our own.

If you do have a partner it is worth making sure they want to go! :eek:

and there is actually very little sand in Morocco, its mostly rocky hamada in the south and south eastern regions. you wont get stuck ;)

pack up and hit the road.

and there is actually very little sand in Morocco, its mostly rocky hamada in the south and south eastern regions. you wont get stuck ;)


I beg to disagree :D

Me and the new wife are going there on our belated honeymoon over christmas and the first 2 weeks of the new year in the landy.
If you look at the country on the whole the Ergs are tiny in comparison to the rest of it. If you insist on ****ing about you may well get stuck :rolleyes:

see above for an example of '****ing about' :D


Haha! We were temporarily stopped (not stuck :p) twice in Morocco...once in poo/mud and once in sand with the tide coming in...of course both situations could have been avoided if we thought a little more carefully - it is true - there are a lot more rocks then there are sand in Morocco - the Ergs are tiny when compared to what you get in nearby Algeria.

Morocco is an easy trip...nip down to south spain in 48 hours and then into Morocco on a short ferry that you do not need to book in advance. The border into Morocco is straightfoward compared to others - there will be chancers about saying you need to pay them to get you through the process but this is not necessary. The good thing about Morocco is you can tailor the trip to your mindset - if you want to spends days on end in the middle of nowhere getting lost, you can...but if you want to plan hops in between towns which have campsites, thats do-able as well.

You'll probrably meet others you can tag along with en route in any case, and still be able to have some solo time when you want too.

We only came across 1 other overlander in Morocco if my memory serves me right!

Feel free to see pics, videos, info, etc at our website (top banner for Morocco page) and ask any questions - I am sure someone on here will have the answer :)
am looking to do a trip to morocco.
Dont fancy the idea of going alone and am seeking anyone who has been before and knows the score for where to go and boarder crossings.
Dont really want to pay to go with a company as am looking to keep costs down.

Anyone interested?

Id suggest go with someone you really like rather than a randomer, or just go by yourself, but each to their own. What worries you about going on your own? Places to go? That depends what you want out of the trip! There is lots of advice of well-travelled pistes, so you can head for those if you want some of road driving. Or you can simply find your own - of which there are loads!

Our website, like a lot of others out there, has the entire route plotted as we have a live-streaming you could use that to give you a few pointers (cross reference it with Google (Sattellite view) if you want to see the terrain :). You can also use it to work out how roughly long it will take you to get to places as it is also time-stamped. See: The Rusty Rhinos - Moroccan Road Trip 2010 - our route
Id suggest go with someone you really like rather than a randomer

I second that,

because you could end up with a copilot who is so irritating that your only option is to kill them, and then bury them in the desert.

or worse,

you could end up with a homosexual ex french foriegn legion bodybuiler, who has a large stash of viagra, and really wants to bum you :eek:

just saying.....
Having already done France,Switzerland,Italy, Spain & Portugal, Morocco was the next step for us.Absolutely blew our minds away-wow-cultur shock!! Got proper good memories of blasting through the Atlas mountains,good tunes on the stereo,and scenery better than any Imax cinema.

We went in one vehicle in the height of this summer with 3 sprogs (16,14 & 6 year old) It was hot very hot but do able. Low season for them, really spooky we were the only ones on nearly all the campsites, didn't meet or see any other overlanders. Bottled out of the desert crossing and turned back between Merzouga & Zagora after a tyre blew out and didn't have a 2nd spare-Too hot we were drinking 3 or 4 litres of water each daily and didn't want to put family at risk

Every one trying to screw you for cash can be a pita, chill out and don't stop, don't worry they will jump out of the way at the last minute, same goes for on coming traffic :D

And don't forget to fill up with booze in Spain, otherwise you might regret it ;)

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