
New Member
Thought came to be the other day............could somebody on Landyzone have one of my old Landys ??

Just a random thought!
I've often had the same kinda thought when looking at old films; has someone ever spotted their 1978 Morris marina in the background or an elderly gent watching some old film with Wilfred hide white in it and dropped their teeth in their tea remembering that Armstrong Sidley that just drove by in the background.....

I also used to wonder if I ever watched an old film that contains cars that still exist today. I know that a couple of Arthur daleys old jags do, but that's about it.

I would also like to ask anyone who reads this if they've seen an Austin princess of late?
My old Defender turned up on another forum, being sold very badly misdescribed.
That turned into a nightmare saga of epic proportions.
When I sold my Delica I told the new buyer of the Deli forum. he then went on toe slag me off for the bodges that the owner previous to me had done and never praised me for all the work I had done! Bastid.. I hope his head gasket blows...

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